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Active hordes
Nationality Name Forum Server Recruiting Members Updated
Germany Beware of TeRRoR Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! 2 2012-09-12
Germany Dark Village Clan Visit this horde's forum! 7 2014-07-09
Germany Deadly Nocturnal Assassins 1 2011-02-24
Germany Gaiscedach Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! 5 2009-11-29
Europe Against all Authority Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! 4 2012-06-28
Europe Aimstarz Horde Visit this horde's forum! This horde is recruiting! 4 2009-07-30
Europe Behüter des Lichts Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! 16 2010-09-21
Europe ChiTZu Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! 1 2013-06-17
Europe Fuck Off Corporation Visit this horde's forum! This horde is recruiting! 5 2011-04-25
Europe Nosebleed 1 2016-03-27
Europe PunX are AlivE Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 4 2012-03-28
Europe Sons of Northern Darkness Visit this horde's forum! This horde is recruiting! 4 2013-12-14
Europe Strain of Cruelty Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! 4 2009-08-24
Europe Team Sacred Visit this horde's forum! This horde is recruiting! 6 2014-03-12
Europe The Sick Bastards Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 10 2017-05-24
Europe Universal Martial Thunderbirds Visit this horde's forum! 4 2009-12-23
Europe Vandalism Visit this horde's forum! 8 2009-08-17
Europe Visions of Power Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 7 2015-07-29
Finland KaamoS Visit this horde's forum! 2 2017-06-03
International =iNi= Family Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 21 2017-11-07
International Body Head BangerZ This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 5 2010-07-25
International Crew Horde Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! 11 2009-11-08
International DiE Horde This horde hosts a RUNE server! 33 2012-06-10
International Eternal Resistance Visit this horde's forum! This horde is recruiting! 21 2018-08-24
International League of eXtraordinary Gamers Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 1 2012-06-24
International The Black Demon Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! 1 2012-08-11
International The Legion of Sadistic Demons 7 2018-06-06
International The Unique Immortal Units This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 1 2013-01-27
International Zaphirs Visit this horde's forum! This horde is recruiting! 17 2018-07-16
International [F4N] / Fun Visit this horde's forum! This horde is recruiting! 3 2013-08-15
Not specified REY Visit this horde's forum! This horde is recruiting! 38 2017-11-25
Poland PkP horde 17 2013-11-08
Russian Federation =FIRE= Clan Visit this horde's forum! This horde is recruiting! 5 2012-06-19
Russian Federation ={~3-Rub~} Horde Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 13 2017-05-09
United States of America Dead Man inc. Visit this horde's forum! 24 2010-01-19
United States of America JuNN Horde Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 19 2010-08-14
United States of America Stealth and Counter Visit this horde's forum! This horde is recruiting! 4 2012-04-06
United States of America Tyrants of Rune Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 9 2012-06-24
United States of America War Clan Visit this horde's forum! This horde hosts a RUNE server! This horde is recruiting! 29 2015-04-11

Inactive hordes
Nationality Name Inactivity Updated
Austria Die IrRen GRazEr N/A 2009-07-18
Brazil Guerreiros de Odin N/A 2009-07-18
Canada Ministers of Chaos N/A 2004-10-02
Germany Alkohol Vernichtungs Maschinen N/A 2009-07-18
Germany Black Elite Warriors N/A 2017-08-31
Germany BlackBeards N/A 2009-07-18
Germany Chaos Legion N/A 2006-09-24
Germany Die Kopfgeldjaeger N/A 2004-06-20
Germany Dragonknight Clan N/A 2009-07-18
Germany Drawn Death N/A 2009-07-18
Germany Dynasty of the Storms 6500 days
Germany Fun Fuckers 6219 days
Germany inside out crew N/A 2009-07-18
Germany Killraven N/A 2009-07-18
Germany Kings 6666 days
Germany Kings of Kills N/A 2007-01-28
Germany MARVEL N/A 2009-07-18
Germany SavagePlayers N/A 2006-10-27
Germany ZoGGaZ N/A 2007-02-21
Europe Arthurian Knights N/A 2006-12-21
Europe Beyond Bravery Always N/A 2006-05-24
Europe Burst of Aggression N/A 2009-07-18
Europe Dauthi N/A 2006-01-24
Europe Deadly Soul Riders N/A 2009-07-18
Europe Dragonclaw N/A 2009-07-18
Europe Fratricide Realm N/A 2009-07-18
Europe Gladiators of Death 7352 days
Europe His Head Fell Off N/A 2006-04-13
Europe Incarnations of Evil N/A 2009-07-18
Europe Insane Terror Team N/A 2009-07-18
Europe invasio barbarorum N/A 2009-07-18
Europe K.O.M.A.[2k8] - Crew N/A 2009-07-18
Europe Legion of Hell 6522 days
Europe Nazghul N/A 2006-06-16
Europe Redeemers of Agony N/A 2009-07-18
Europe Samurais in Pyjamas N/A 2007-03-29
Europe Scars of Decomposition 5273 days
Europe Sense of Death N/A 2006-09-04
Europe Servants Of Odin N/A 2006-01-08
Europe Shifters Reloaded N/A 2009-07-18
Europe Storm of Asgard N/A 2009-07-18
Europe Warlords of The North N/A 2007-09-23
Hungary Damned Tears of Sorrow N/A 2009-07-18
Isreal Rune Leaders N/A 2009-07-18
International APOTHECARIUS N/A 2010-01-04
International BARBARIAN MIGHT N/A 2005-11-20
International BfK N/A 2009-07-18
International BH Clan N/A 2006-08-02
International Cannibal Corpse N/A 2006-11-04
International Council of Valhalla N/A 2009-07-18
International Dark Phoenix N/A 2005-07-27
International Destiny N/A 2007-05-06
International Evolution 6702 days
International Heroes of Something N/A 2011-09-28
International KaT N/A 2009-07-18
International Scourge of God N/A 2009-07-18
International The Arena Whores N/A 2005-04-03
International The Killer Clan 6273 days
International The Simpsons N/A 2009-07-18
International Tranquillity & Anxiety N/A 2006-04-10
International {{Exile§}}clan N/A 2009-07-18
Italy Italian Warriors N/A 2014-04-27
Poland H.C. - HardCore N/A 2009-07-18
Russian Federation Rune Federation N/A 2009-07-18
Scandinavia Aesirs N/A 2009-07-19
Scandinavia Guardians of Asgaard N/A 2010-03-06
United Kingdom Acoma BL Warriors N/A 2005-10-10
United Kingdom XxX Clan N/A 2006-08-02
United States of America Brazilian Killers N/A 2007-02-21
United States of America Brotherhood of Omegus N/A 2005-01-13
United States of America dirty N/A 2009-07-18
United States of America Hail Satan Network N/A 2012-07-03
United States of America Low Caliber N/A 2009-07-18
United States of America PostMortem N/A 2004-06-23
United States of America Slayer N/A 2009-07-18
United States of America The Immortal Army N/A 2009-07-18

Dead hordes
Nationality Name Inexistence Updated
Austria Instruments Of Death N/A 2004-07-11
Austria The Hell´s Corpses N/A 2005-08-09
Canada Hellbound Head Hunters N/A 2005-03-03
Canada Renegade Legion N/A 2004-07-04
Germany Assassins 7372 days
Germany Bruderschaft des Codex 6309 days
Germany Celtic Fighters N/A 2005-02-23
Germany Deadly Creations 5586 days
Germany Dragon Warriors N/A 2005-12-29
Germany Fuckin Lordz N/A 2005-10-01
Germany German Underground Force N/A 2004-07-19
Germany Krieger des Phoenix 6586 days
Germany Legation Of Death 7142 days
Germany Legends of Valhalla 6469 days
Germany Lords of Redemption N/A 2005-07-21
Germany Mac Users Attack 6595 days
Germany Major-Sun-Warriors N/A 2004-12-18
Germany Masters Of War N/A 2005-11-24
Germany Raiders of the Storm N/A 2006-12-18
Germany Royal Soldiers of Rune 6800 days
Germany Skulls of Valhalla N/A 2006-06-16
Germany Warriors of Blood & Glory N/A 2006-03-26
Germany Warriors Of Honor N/A 2005-01-18
Denmark Danish Vikings 7498 days
Denmark Legion of DooM N/A 2005-02-23
Denmark The Union N/A 2004-08-19
Estonia Allstar 6127 days
Estonia Munn N/A 2005-09-04
Estonia Shadow of death N/A 2004-08-26
Spain Amazingly High Killaz N/A 2005-02-23
Europe Annihilation 6550 days
Europe Arcadian Demons N/A 2008-05-09
Europe Beregund N/A 2005-05-03
Europe Bloods Clan N/A 2005-10-26
Europe Bulls On Patrol 6353 days
Europe Chosen Ones N/A 2005-01-19
Europe Cirque Du Freak N/A 2007-10-26
Europe Clan Rage 6422 days
Europe Clan Wraith 7431 days
Europe Death from Above N/A 2005-06-29
Europe Diabolical Horde N/A 2005-07-14
Europe Distress N/A 2004-10-12
Europe Dragon Claw N/A 2005-01-22
Europe Einherjers of Asgard 7427 days
Europe Fallen Angels N/A 2006-03-08
Europe Fruit N/A 2007-07-07
Europe Funky Soul Brothas N/A 2005-06-19
Europe Ghost Town Clan N/A 2005-07-21
Europe Head Cutters N/A 2005-08-09
Europe Hell ANgel Fire N/A 2004-09-13
Europe Here comes Trouble N/A 2007-08-25
Europe Hostile 5660 days
Europe Immortal Guardians 6606 days
Europe Just... clan N/A 2006-12-12
Europe Justice League of Rune N/A 2006-11-06
Europe Kik (and) Kazen Kicking (your ass) N/A 2005-03-08
Europe Legion Of Pariah N/A 2006-03-08
Europe Mayhem Guild N/A 2004-08-21
Europe Miles N/A 2004-12-01
Europe Nation of rune warriors 6423 days
Europe Nosferatu N/A 2004-12-25
Europe Numb3rs of Rune N/A 2006-01-25
Europe Philoxenus of Cythera N/A 2007-03-16
Europe Prophecy 7014 days
Europe Reapers Horde N/A 2004-07-19
Europe Rest In Peace 7269 days
Europe Revelation of Memoria 6299 days
Europe Ritter Steel 7580 days
Europe Rucanor N/A 2005-03-18
Europe Saint 6385 days
Europe Sanada N/A 2004-10-24
Europe Satanic N/A 2005-11-11
Europe Sentinels 7028 days
Europe Sex Bombz N/A 2007-11-15
Europe Shifters N/A 2004-11-22
Europe Skeletons 7896 days
Europe Soldiers of Hell N/A 2005-12-05
Europe Solitaire 7392 days
Europe Souls Of Requital N/A 2006-10-22
Europe Souls Of Requital N/A 2007-01-16
Europe Team Execrationists N/A 2006-08-27
Europe The Cookie Sindicate 6886 days
Europe The Crusaders of Crimson Unite N/A 2015-03-30
Europe The Frog Pub N/A 2006-03-06
Europe The Legends of the Old Ways N/A 2006-01-03
Europe The Lords Assassins N/A 2005-08-09
Europe The Outlanders N/A 2005-07-21
Europe The Toxicity N/A 2007-11-16
Europe Unholy Horde H.O.V 7477 days
Europe Viking Organisation N/A 2005-10-31
Europe Vikings of Ashtra N/A 2007-06-29
Europe Vintersorg Horde N/A 2005-03-09
Europe Voodoo N/A 2004-10-30
International Aliquis 5680 days
International Ancient Egypt N/A 2006-11-14
International Blood Lords 7126 days
International Brotherhood of the Illuminati N/A 2007-01-06
International crazy Alcoholical Gentlemen N/A 2007-09-29
International Dark Prophecies N/A 2009-07-18
International Dark Trojans 7317 days
International Dragon Might N/A 2004-10-02
International Ensanguined N/A 2005-09-05
International EXTREME 6472 days
International Graveyard Guardians 7239 days
International Guardians of Chaos N/A 2008-03-30
International Guardians Of Hell N/A 2005-05-06
International Immortal Gods N/A 2006-08-28
International Kalevala N/A 2005-07-21
International Many Vengeful Gamers N/A 2005-10-01
International Mighty Vikings N/A 2005-04-14
International NullSet N/A 2004-12-15
International OVERDRIVE N/A 2006-06-26
International Phoenix Inc. N/A 2005-10-09
International Remorce N/A 2008-02-29
International Rise of Legends N/A 2007-08-24
International Rulers of Kahn N/A 2006-10-17
International SAGES 7352 days
International Soldiers Of Immortality 6328 days
International SOLO N/A 2011-07-19
International The Brethren N/A 2005-07-13
International The Immolate Family 6840 days
International The Simpson Army N/A 2006-06-29
International Toxic Syrup N/A 2005-10-09
International Undead N/A 2005-06-17
International Valhallas Prophecy N/A 2006-09-16
International Vampire Bloodlines N/A 2005-03-05
International Vikings Of Asgaard N/A 2005-05-02
International Wargods of Midgard N/A 2004-07-13
International Zero Tolerance N/A 2005-01-25
Italy Beware the Calabry Always N/A 2005-02-01
Netherlands Five-Bees N/A 2005-01-15
Netherlands Immortal Terror Squad N/A 2004-11-14
Netherlands Reign Supreme N/A 2007-07-12
Netherlands Warriors of Darkness 6789 days
Norway 3xN - nascor nasci natus N/A 2005-06-05
Not specified N/A 2005-03-06
Not specified Ancient Realm of Chaotica N/A 2006-05-05
Not specified Army of Darkness N/A 2006-03-06
Not specified BlooD-LusT N/A 2006-11-09
Not specified Clan Random 7102 days
Not specified Dark Vengeance N/A 2005-05-28
Not specified death bringers N/A 2004-10-21
Not specified Dragons of Caldera N/A 2005-07-14
Not specified El Clan N/A 2005-09-09
Not specified EnemY N/A 2007-05-19
Not specified Hitmen From Hell N/A 2004-12-15
Not specified iNept N/A 2005-07-21
Not specified Interpro N/A 2005-08-12
Not specified Lords of Terror N/A 2004-06-27
Not specified Massacre N/A 2004-11-14
Not specified Megalomania 7095 days
Not specified Morbidica Ciria N/A 2004-08-13
Not specified NinJa N/A 2007-06-01
Not specified Philomena N/A 2005-09-17
Not specified Pirate's Horde N/A 2005-06-23
Not specified Rebel Vikings N/A 2005-12-17
Not specified Screams of Oblivion N/A 2004-06-18
Not specified Servants of Loki N/A 2005-05-01
Not specified The Syrian Raiders N/A 2005-09-13
Not specified The undead Vampires N/A 2006-12-17
Not specified The Zombie Warriors N/A 2004-08-12
Not specified Tigers 7406 days
Not specified Triumph N/A 2005-07-21
Poland Dangerous Blades N/A 2005-02-25
Poland Last Of The 7203 days
Poland Noobish Fuckin' Suckers N/A 2004-08-16
Poland PaiN Horde 6262 days
Poland Wojownicy Odyna 6987 days
Portugal The King Warriors 7338 days
Russian Federation Guild of Tampliers 7201 days
Sweden Brass Squadron N/A 2007-05-24
Sweden DarkOnes N/A 2005-04-13
Sweden Nocturnal Execution Squad N/A 2004-07-31
Sweden Playboybunnies N/A 2006-06-05
Sweden Reigen of Chaos N/A 2005-10-24
Sweden Saints of Valhalla N/A 2005-04-18
Sweden SveaKings 7281 days
United States of America Band of the Hawk N/A 2005-12-01
United States of America Burning Legion N/A 2005-05-14
United States of America Christ Punchers N/A 2005-03-30
United States of America Dark Prophecies N/A 2005-08-09
United States of America Disciples of Destiny N/A 2006-09-04
United States of America Flying Vikings N/A 2005-04-22
United States of America Killers Of Valhalla N/A 2006-03-26
United States of America Legendary Soldiers N/A 2006-03-17
United States of America North America United N/A 2004-07-03
United States of America Old Fashioned Pretzel Rods N/A 2004-06-24
United States of America Paladin N/A 2004-08-26
United States of America Rulers of Rune N/A 2006-09-03
United States of America Serious Business 6634 days
United States of America War Gamerz N/A 2004-07-21

Horde statistics
Hordes: 306 (39 active and 76 inactive and 191 dead)
Members: 4519 (375 active, 1442 inactive and 2702 former)
Average members/horde: ~15
When was a horde's data last updated?
YYYY-MM-DD - within 24 hours.
YYYY-MM-DD - no longer than a week ago.
YYYY-MM-DD - longer than a week but shorter than a month ago.
YYYY-MM-DD - longer than a month but shorter than half a year ago.
YYYY-MM-DD - longer than half a year but shorter than a full year ago.
YYYY-MM-DD - longer than a full year ago.